
WordPress主题:Airborn – Portfolio / Business

网站模版 SuperMan 4131浏览

Airborn is a fresh and modern project for those who want to show their portfolio and who write a blog.

It will work out perfectly not only as a presentation of your works but also as a professional webpage promoting your company. Available options for project modifications enable you to adapt the product to your needs. This purchase is a great opportunity for you to be up-to-date with the newest actualizations and improvements.

* Valid HTML 5
* WordPress 3.2+ Support
* 50+ Shortcodes
* Video support (Youtube and Vimeo)
* Comments support in portfolio
* Google Analytics support
* 17+ Widgets:
Advertisements (120px and 260px) / Archives / Popular posts / Contact Form / Portfolio Slider / Recent Comments / Recent Posts / Tag Cloud / Twitter / Calendar / Categories / Flickr / Meta / RSS / Pages / Search / Google Maps / Social Media Icons / Simply Text
* 5 Extra backgrounds
* 2 main layout widths (960px and 100%)
* Selecting colors and backgrounds for main layout sections right from admin panel
* Switching between available CSS theme files
* Cufon fonts(adding new fonts via FTP )
* Text or image logos
* Alternative login form
* Widgets support(footer and sidebar)
* Slideshows(piecemaker, nivo slider)
* Portfolio support
* Turning on/off layout blocks of frontpage
* Auto resize images to defined template image sizes
* Cross browser compatibility
* Valid XHTML & CSS
* PSD files included
* Customizable PSD




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