
Raise Data Recovery for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 v5.3 含注册码

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Raise Data Recovery提高数据恢复Ext2/Ext3/Ext4产品是专门为丢失的文件恢复从Ext2设计,journalled的Ext3或者延长journalled Ext4文件系统,创建主要的Linux发行。

软件支持硬盘,可拆卸的货仓,磁盘映像,虚拟机的虚拟磁盘,创建与虚拟化软件的主要供应商。该软件主要是针对单独的磁盘或磁盘卷,但它支持RAID恢复RAID访问插件 – 的RAID生成器以及。

该产品能够识别和浏览所有的文件系统,UFS Explorer的标准恢复支持文件访问和恢复是EXT2,EXT3和EXT4只。


主机操作系统:支持的Microsoft Windows2000,XP,2003 Server中,Vista中,2008的服务器。提高数据恢复工程,与Windows 7。
可识别的文件系统:FAT和NTFS(Windows)中;的HFS+/ HFSX和旧的HFS(苹果Mac OS)的Ext2,EXT3,EXT4,XFS,ReiserFS文件系统和JFS的(Linux)的;的UFS和UFS2档案(的Unix,BSD的,Sun公司的Solaris;都SPARC/电源和x86/x64版本);传统的无核武器地位(Novell公司的Netware);厂商定制到XFS,UFS文件系统。
RAID恢复:只支持RAID访问插件 – 的RAID生成。

Raise Data Recovery for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 product is specially designed for lost files recovery from Ext2, journalled Ext3 or extended journalled Ext4 file systems, created with major Linux distributions.

Software supports hard disks, removable storages, disk images, virtual disks of virtual machines, created with virtualization software of major vendors. The software mostly targets individual disks or disk volumes, however it supports RAID recovery with RAID Access Plugin – RAID Builder as well.

The product can recognize and browse all the file systems, supported by UFS Explorer Standard Recovery however file access and recovery is available for Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 only.

The key product features include:

Host OS: Supported Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 2008 Server. Raise Data Recovery works with Windows 7.
Recognized file systems: FAT and NTFS (Windows); HFS+/HFSX and old HFS (Apple Mac OS); Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, XFS, ReiserFS and JFS (Linux); UFS and UFS2 (Unix, BSD, Sun Solaris; both Sparc/Power and x86/x64 editions); traditional NWFS (Novell Netware); vendor customizations to XFS and UFS file systems.
Multiple styles of disk partitions layout: Supported all major styles of disk partitions layout used with supported file systems.
RAID recovery: only supported with RAID Access Plugin – RAID Builder.
Recovery: lost file systems recovery, deleted files recovery, damaged file systems reconstruction.
Localization: Raise Data Recovery identifies localized file names even on non-unicode file systems and recognizes UTF-16, UTF-8 and ASCII with local code pages.
Additional features: Save/restore scan results.


Raise Data Recovery for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 v5.3 含注册码:迅雷快传

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