
PD Proxy 2.1.9

网络工具 在线投稿 5847浏览

PD-Proxy是一个隧道的软件加密所有连接到互联网,可以确保您的互联网连接。安全性 – VPN提供最高级别的安全使用先进的加密和认证协议,以保护数据免受未经授权的访问。当您创建您的电脑和我们之间的私人虚拟隧道,并从那里冲浪互联网,您的VPN帐户是给你一个安全层,你没有收到。

匿名冲浪 – 我们的服务将使匿名和保护您的Internet连接,创建一个你和我们的服务器之间的加密隧道。这将分配一个新的IP地址到您的计算机,在这种情况下,您的网上活动是匿名的,并防止您跟踪您的IP地址的人造成骚扰。

在空气中明确的Wi-Fi?无线世界的安全? – 当你使用公共Wi-Fi?热点,所有的信息您发送和接收来自Internet发送。的Wi-Fi?是一台收音机,广播的一切,任何人打扰听。一切是不加密的网页,电子邮件和密码,即时消息流量,是由该地区的任何人可读。


2。确保方案具有管理权限,在使用Vista / 7的

PD-Proxy is a tunneling software that can secure your internet connection by encrypting all your connections to the internet. Security – VPNs provide the highest level of security using advanced encryption and authentication protocols that protect data from unauthorized access. When you create a private virtual tunnel between your computer and ours, and surf the internet from there, your VPN account is giving you a layer of security you did not have before.

Anonymous Surfing – Our service will make anonymous and secure your Internet connection, creating an encrypted tunnel between you and our servers. This will assign a new ip address to your computer, in this case your online activity is anonymous and prevents harassment caused by people tracking you by your IP address.

Wi–Fi? Security for a Wireless World? – when you use public Wi–Fi? hotspots, all the information you send to and receive from the Internet is sent over the air in the clear. Wi–Fi? is a radio, broadcasting everything to anyone who bothers to listen. Web pages, emails and passwords, instant message traffic, everything that’s not encrypted is readable by anyone in the area.

PD-Proxy uses industry–standard Virtual Private Networking (VPN) technology to create a secure tunnel between your laptop and the PD-Proxy servers. When you connect to PD-Proxy, all your Internet traffic goes through this encrypted tunnel, preventing users nearby from intercepting your information.

1. Make sure that you have activated your registered account.
2. Make sure the program has administrative privileges when using Vista/7
3. Make sure you have an active internet connection.


PD Proxy 2.1.9:迅雷快传

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