
PC Sleep 2.2 – 超简单定时关机休眠小工具

应用软件 在线投稿 3517浏览

PC SleepPC Sleep 是一个免费为您的计算机睡眠定时器。自动关机,重新启动,注销,待机,休眠的Windows用户友好的程序功能。




PC Sleep is a free sleep timer for your computer. Automated Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Standby, and Hibernate Windows functions in a user friendly program.

You can leave your computer and PC Sleep will safely perform the selected function in the entered amount of time with no effort on your part. A noticeable pop-up window will appear when there is one minute left on the timer. The same window will pop-up if no time is selected; giving you 30 seconds to stop the timer before PC Sleep executes the selected function.

This utility is particularly good for long downloads where you would like your computer to shut down after a certain amount of hours, playing music before you go to bed, or any other reason you might need PC Sleep to perform its functions while you’re away from your computer.


PC Sleep 2.2:迅雷快传

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