
DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 5.0.0316.0317 含破解补丁/注册机

应用软件 SuperMan 15356浏览

DAEMON Tools使用DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 5.0:使用预设的配置文件创建的图像,图像数据进行必要的修改如果需要的话,压缩数据,分割映像文件,保护您的图像信息,烧录CD / DVD模拟不仅CD/ DVD,但HD – DVD蓝光驱动器。

另外获得更多的虚拟CD/ DVD / HD DVD/蓝光驱动器。随着DAEMON工具专业高级,你有能力创建32个虚拟设备。

DAEMON工具专业高级适合高级用户的特殊功能 – 模拟不仅SCSI,IDE虚拟设备的可能性。


但如果你的驱动没有了一封信,你会看不到它在我的电脑。如何获得安装此类驱动器上的图像数据,然后呢? DAEMON工具Pro可以让你指定的文件夹的虚拟驱动器,然后访问你的虚拟光盘的数据分配的文件夹在“我的电脑打开。

你有不同的光盘类型的图像,其中每个有一定的特殊性收集吗?你不能保护一些图像由于格式的限制?你想在目录中的所有图像,有一个单一的格式吗? – 转换图像文件的媒体描述符格式(*. MDS /*. mdf文件)。它是DAEMON工具的原生格式,并支持所有的DT Pro功能。随意使用各种工具和可能性的MDS / MDF格式的光盘映像。


Use full DAEMON Tools Pro functionality: create images using preset profiles, make necessary changes to image data if needed, compress data, split image files, protect your image information, burn to CD/DVD, emulate not only CD/DVD but also HD DVD and Blu-ray drives.

Plus get even more virtual CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives. With DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced you have ability to create 32 virtual devices.

Only DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced has a special feature for advanced users — possibility to emulate not only SCSI but also IDE virtual devices.

If all English letters are already assigned to devices and there is no free one left then you can still create virtual devices but without letters. With DAEMON Tools Pro it is possible!

But if your drive doesn’t have a letter you won’t see it in My Computer. How to get mounted image data on such drive then? DAEMON Tools Pro lets you assign folder to virtual drive and then access your virtual disc data opening this assigned folder in My Computer.

Do you have collection of different disc images types where each has some specificity? Can’t you protect some images due to their format restrictions? Do you want all images in catalog to have a single format? — Convert your image files to Media Descriptor format (*.mds/*.mdf files). It is DAEMON Tools native format and supports all DT Pro functionality. Feel free to use variety of tools and possibilities with MDS/MDF format for disc images.


DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 5.0.0316.0317 破解补丁:迅雷快传

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 5.0.0316.0317 安装文件:迅雷快传

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