
生化危机6 中国背景,终于能见到中国僵尸了…

新闻 SuperMan 15096浏览

Resident Evil 6 – or some of it at least – takes place in China, judging by the CV of a voice actor claiming to have worked on the as-yet-unannounced sequel.
As spotted by The Silent Chief , voice actor Wendy Mok’s EWP profile states that she plays a “Chinese villager/zombie” in the game.
Capcom has yet to officially confirm Resident Evil 6 is on the way. Spin-off console shooter Operation Raccoon City and 3DS outing Resident Evil: Revelations are both due out early next year.
Capcom’s survival horror series is no stranger to globe-trotting – 2009′s Resident Evil 5 took place in Africa, where as Resident Evil 4 was set in an undefined European locale

生化6的一名配音演员简历暗示还未公布的生化危机6将会感染到中国。 The Silent Chief 发现,配音演员Wendy Mok的EWP档案显示她在游戏中为“中国村民/丧尸”配音。
Capcom公司惊悚系列的背景遍及全球,这并不陌生,09年的生化5背景设为非洲,而生化4 的背景设在欧洲的某个地方。

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